13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade

Where is music therapy applied?

In all branches of medicine

Music therapy is a health service that is mostly used for psychiatric and neurological disorders, but also in oncology, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, dermatology, all branches of internal medicine, anesthesiology, sports medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, otorhinolaryngology, hygiene and medicine of work.

Social protection institutions

Music therapy is applied in social protection institutions: nursing homes, shelters, orphanages, refugee camps, prisons.

The music therapy community

Music therapy can be used on healthy people within the music therapy community, in order to promote physical, mental and spiritual health and development, in schools and preschools, counseling centers, wellness centers, if the necessary conditions for music therapy and appropriate permits are met in accordance with the law.

Where can you find professional music therapists?

Prim. dr sci med, Dr Ranka Radulović - Clinic for Psychiatry KCS

Hatorum - Center for Education and Counseling www.hatorum.com


The Association of Music Therapists of Serbia (AMTS) was founded on June 27, 2001 in Belgrade on the initiative of Dr. Ranka Radulović and her closest friends and associates.

Member of the European Music Therapy Confederation since 2004.


UMTS - Udruženje muzikoterapeuta Srbije
13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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