13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade

Who are the music therapists?

AMTS music therapists are university and musically educated people who, after their basic studies, have undergone education in music therapy, which includes personal analysis, theoretical classes, practical classes and supervision.

Before starting their education, all candidates undergo an initial interview that speaks of the psychological suitability of the candidate for this type of schooling who should be musically educated, i.e. to know how to play. Candidates who have not formally completed music school, take the entrance exam in musical abilities.
After completing their education, the candidates take the final exam, after which they enroll in the register of professional music therapists at AMTS.

Professional music therapists of AMTS are obliged to conduct music therapy activities and to be continuously educated so that after five years they can renew their status as full members.

Candidates who were educated abroad take the qualification exam in front of the AMTS Professional Board, and they must have previously achieved the required level, which is aligned with the number of hours according to the Rules of Education of the Association of Music Therapists of Serbia, in order to gain active members. Until then, they have the status of candidates for music therapists - associate members or candidates in AMTS education, they perform music therapy activities with joint responsibility, ie. under supervision.

These regulations are applied until the formation of the register of professional music therapists and the adoption of the Law on Music Therapy by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.


The Association of Music Therapists of Serbia (AMTS) was founded on June 27, 2001 in Belgrade on the initiative of Dr. Ranka Radulović and her closest friends and associates.

Member of the European Music Therapy Confederation since 2004.


UMTS - Udruženje muzikoterapeuta Srbije
13, Brankova st., 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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